Trophy hunting in South Africa is like nowhere else in the world. The number and density of animals will astound any first-time African hunter.
South Africa is the number one destination for trophy hunters. The current cost of hunting is genuinely affordable. Our safari packages are inclusive of trophy fees.
We offer free range hunting experiences with knowledgeable, professional hunters. Hunting is done primarily by spot and stalk.
We do not hunt endangered species and practice high ethical standards and conservation efforts.
Hunting areas are low fenced and the wild animals are mostly endemic. In certain circumstances, we do hunt in high-fenced areas.
We offer plains and big game hunting and are primarily a rifle hunting outfitter but offer limited bow hunting.
Our South African hunts clientele is primarily from the United States. We will fetch you and your hunting party from Port Elizabeth which is a short domestic flight from Johannesburg.
Join us for a unique African Hunting Safari. Enjoy a brief description of each species and a selection of trophies hunted in South Africa with Nick Bowker.
Table of Contents

Available Species

Kudu Bull Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Eastern Cape Kudu weighs in at 340 pounds. Good trophies have three deep turns with good shape. Bulls are mature trophies at around 7 years. Kudu hunting in Africa can be challenging.

Sable Antelope Trophy in South Africa
Sable antelope weighs in at 500 pounds and is mature at 6 years. A large jet-black mature sable bull is, without a doubt, the most impressive trophy. Sable antelope prices have declined.

Waterbuck Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Waterbuck weighs in at approximately 550 pounds and mature at around 5 years. Horns hooking forward and attaining a white coloring at least halfway up the horn indicate maturity.

Nyala Bull Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Nyala weighs in at around 200 pounds. Quality trophies have good bases, and the tips going straight up or flaring outward. Maturity is at around 7 years. Male & females differ significantly.

Gemsbok Trophy Hunting In South Africa
Gemsbok weighs around 500 pounds. Trophy maturity is at around 4 – 5 years. Both males and females make for spectacular Trophies. The female’s horns are longer but more slender.

Red Lechwe Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Red Lechwe trophies weigh in at around 200 pounds. Bulls mature at five years. The spread of the horns and the tips hooking forward indicate maturity. Red Lechwe is an introduced species.

Zebra Trophy
Zebra weighs in at around 800 pounds. Stallions mature at around five years. You may want to consider a slightly younger animal or a mare if you are looking for a flat skin. Older stallions are often very battle-scarred.

Black Wildebeest Trophy
Black Wildebeest weighs around 320 pounds. As with his cousin, the blue wildebeest Trophy quality is judged by the size of the boss and the curl. Black Wildebeest can be very aggressive when wounded. So beware!

Red Hartebeest Trophy
Red Hartebeest weighs around 350 pounds. Trophy quality can be judged by the size of the bosses. Mature bulls will stand out at shoulder height. Trophies will be around 4 years one of the fastest plains species in Africa.

Blue Wildebeest Trophy
Blue Wildebeest weighs around 350 pounds. Trophy quality can be judged by the size of the boss and the curl. Blue Wildebeest trophies will be about 4- 5 years old. The sheer brute strength of the Blue Wildebeest when hit is amazing.

Fallow Deer Trophy
Fallow deer weigh in at 140 pounds and was introduced by the British. The rut runs from March through June. Fallow deer are widespread in the Bedford area. Most fallow are shot opportunistically while on other game hunts.

Warthog Trophy
Warthog will weigh in at 180 – 200 pounds and are mature trophies at about 6 to 7 years. Trophies can be very difficult to judge at times. The tusk length, as well as the overall size of the warthog, needs to be considered for trophy judgment.

Mountain Reedbuck Hunting in South Africa
Mountain Reedbuck weigh in at around 65 pounds. Look for horns that are clearing the ears for good trophy quality. Mountain Reedbuck are found on steep rocky outcrops.

Blesbok Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Blesbok weighs around 140 pounds. Rams mature at about 3 years old. Trophy quality lies in the width of the boss and horn color. The trophy should stand out in the herd.

Impala Trophy Hunting in South Africa
Impala weighs in at around 130 pounds. The lyre-shaped horns are carried by the males, which should be wide and stand out from the other males. Maturity is at about 4 years.

Eland Trophy
Eland weighs in around 1500 pounds and matures to trophy quality at about 8 years. Trophy quality lies in a thick neck and the color of the dewlap, as well as a darkened fringe on the forehead.

Bushbuck Trophy
Bushbuck weighs in at around 100 pounds. Trophy quality lies in the length of the horns with solid bases. Maturity for a trophy is at 7 years. Bushbuck can be dangerous if wounded.

Springbok Trophy
Springbok trophies weigh in at 50 pounds. Trophies will be around 3 years, and trophy quality is judged by the width of the bases and the length. Look to the ram that stands out in the herd.

Black Springbok Trophy
Black Springbok forms part of the four-color variations. Hunting a black is no different from hunting a normal springbok and is not a subspecies but a color variant and is reasonably common.

White Springbok Trophy
White springbok forms part of the four-color variations. Hunting the four-color phases is referred to as hunting the springbok slam. The white springbok is not a subspecies but a color phase.

Copper Springbok Trophy
Copper springbok forms part of the four-color variations. Hunting the four-color phases is referred to as hunting the springbok slam. The copper springbok is not a subspecies.

Giraffe Trophy
Giraffe weighs in at around 2500 pounds, makes for an interesting stalk, and is an unusual trophy. Older animals become much darker with age. The vegetation they also eat impacts color. The giraffe can become 18-foot-tall.

Steenbok Trophy
Steenbok should weigh in at 25 pounds. Trophies are judged by the horn length well exceeding the ears. Steenbok Trophies mature at about 4 years. Steenbok makes for very underrated trophy hunting in South Africa.

Duiker Trophy
Duiker weighs in at 25 pounds. Horn tips should be level with the ears for good quality trophies. Duikers are often shot opportunistically while hunting other larger African game animals. The duiker has refined senses.

Cape Buffalo Trophy
Cape Buffalo or African Buffalo weighs in at around 1400 pounds. Trophy quality lies with a hard, and solid boss. This is attained at the age of 7 to 8 years. The Cape Buffalo kills more hunters than any other big game species in Africa, hence the name black death.

Grey Rhebok Trophy
Grey Rhebok weighs in at around 40 pounds and matures at 4 years. Found in high lying areas above 3000 feet. They have very soft fur and are revered by local South Africans as a difficult and worthy adversary. Rhebok forms part of the reedbuck slam.

White Blesbok Trophy
White Blesbok is a color mutation of the common Blesbok and not a subspecies. Hunting tactics and the characteristics of the white Blesbok are no different from the common Blesbok. White Blesbok is now widespread and very reasonably priced.

Black Impala Trophy
Black Impala weighs in at around 130 pounds. The lyre-shaped horns are carried by the males, which should stand out from the other males. Maturity is at about 4 years.

Bushpig Trophy
Bushpig weighs in at around 130 pounds. They are nocturnal and hunted after dark. Bushpig must be hunted over bait from a blind or using hounds to flush them during the day.

Common Reedbuck
Common reedbuck is larger than the mountain reedbuck. It stands 31 – 35 inches at the shoulder. Females weigh 106 pounds, while the males weigh in at about 150 pounds.

Roan Antelope Trophy
Roan Antelope weighs in at around 600 pounds. The horns are ringed and carried by both males and females. Maturity is at about 5 -6 years.

Lynx Trophy
The Caracal or Lynx weighs in at around 40 pounds. Lynx reaches 16 – 20 inches at the shoulder Maturity is at about 3 years.

Bontebok Trophy
Bontebok weighs in at around 160 pounds. The horns are ringed and carried by males and females. Maturity is at about 4 years.
Image Gallery Packages – Trophy Hunting South Africa

Kudu Trophy Gallery
A selection of Kudu trophies hunted in South Africa with Nick Bowker. See our 7-animal trophy package, including a Kudu.
We offer African hunting safaris in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

Sable Antelope Trophy Gallery
A selection of Sable Antelope trophies hunted in South Africa with Nick Bowker. See our 7-animal trophy package, including a Sable Antelope.
Join us for an African Hunting Trip of a Lifetime with Nick Bowker Hunting.