African Hunting

Nick Bowker Biography- Best Plains Game Hunting In Africa

Nick is the co-founder and majority shareholder of Nick Bowker Hunting and a director in conjunction with his brother, Rob Bowker.

Nick is responsible for day-to-day operations at Hopewell Lodge and all commercial arrangements for Nick Bowker Hunting.

About Nick Bowker

Nick, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservationist, obtained his professional hunting and guiding licence in 1996. Nick has been guiding and outfitting ever since.

Nick’s specialty is free-range plains game hunting.

In addition, Nick is also a sheep and cattle rancher and was born and raised on the family ranch, which has been in the family for five generations.

Nick is also a keen golfer and was chairman of the Bedford golf club as well as been very involved in the local farming community.

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“I was born and raised on a sheep farming operation near Bedford in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. My love for the outdoors and Hunting started at an early age. 

I remember going hunting at age 6 with a .22, accompanied by Mlungisi. I was at a Boarding School in Grahamstown and always looked forward to getting home for the holidays and hunting for Rock Hyrax and Monkeys, then later graduated to Hunting Springbuck. 

Some 40 years later, Mlungisi still hunts with me. After completing my military service and attending college, I returned to the family business, and my passion for Hunting grew even more.

It has become a real family business with my wife, Elizabeth, doing the catering. She is enthusiastically helped by our twin daughters, Lauren and Jessica. They are also keen hunters and are following the family tradition.

I will always be available during your hunt and stay at Hopewell Lodge.”

Nick Bowker
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Nicks License’s and Memberships

Nick Bowker is a director of Nick Bowker Hunting, a limited liability company formed in the Republic of South Africa. The company’s registration number is 2023/965995/07  

Nick can be contacted at the company’s registered address, which is as follows:

Registered Postal Address

Nick Bowker Hunting (Pty Ltd)
24 Hope street 
Eastern Cape
South Africa

Registered Physical address

Hopewell Lodge
Olivefountain Ranch
Eastern Cape
South Africa

Contact Details

Tel +420 777 589 209 or +27 72 939 7902

Visit our contact page to book a hunt.